Imminent Flair
Extreme Design
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The prevalence of malware and its effects upon business resources has caused many companies to reflect upon the best cybersecurity strategies that will assist small businesses. One such strategy involves the deployment of zero trust architecture. Zero trust focuses upon authenticating all users, providing least privileges under user control and assuming that a breach has ocurred. Keeping this framework will prevent lateral movement through your nework. Through identifying users and classifying their access to base privileges you can protect your company's assets.

Assume a breach has occurred. In this framework the most important function is to prevent escalated privileges in every form.

Use of Analytics

Analytics can provide a source of valuable information as to any anomalies that are occurring within your network. Observation and planning are pertinent to preventing a serious breach.


Taking the necessary actions toward securinig your data will involve consulting professionals to analyze your business' cyber infrastructure.

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.”


The Overall Premise

In reiteration, zero trust limits access to network devices, resources or applications. It is based upon absolute authentication of every user and limiting users within your company to the resources that is needed to accomplish a task without compromising your data assets. Implement it and all of your transactions with employees within your organization and third party entities. It will restrict access to your most precious jewels which is company data.

Endpoint Security

Every entry into your network is a potential vulnerability that could compromise your assets. Be careful about the vendors that use. Properly research how an application will access data resources for your company and seek to limit access controls based upon zero trust.

Final Thoughts

There is additional information that can accessed to review zero trust here at NIST

We will explore AI attacks that involve the use of maching learning. There is a plethora of documentation and research to look into how these attacks affect data.

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